- YTMusic.get_playlist(playlistId: str, limit: int | None = 100, related: bool = False, suggestions_limit: int = 0) dict
Returns a list of playlist items
- Parameters:
playlistId – Playlist id
limit – How many songs to return.
retrieves them all. Default: 100related – Whether to fetch 10 related playlists or not. Default: False
suggestions_limit – How many suggestions to return. The result is a list of suggested playlist items (videos) contained in a “suggestions” key. 7 items are retrieved in each internal request. Default: 0
- Returns:
Dictionary with information about the playlist. The key
contains a List of playlistItem dictionaries
The result is in the following format:
{ "id": "PLQwVIlKxHM6qv-o99iX9R85og7IzF9YS_", "privacy": "PUBLIC", "title": "New EDM This Week 03/13/2020", "thumbnails": [...] "description": "Weekly r/EDM new release roundup. Created with", "author": "sigmatics", "year": "2020", "duration": "6+ hours", "duration_seconds": 52651, "trackCount": 237, "suggestions": [ { "videoId": "HLCsfOykA94", "title": "Mambo (GATTÜSO Remix)", "artists": [{ "name": "Nikki Vianna", "id": "UCMW5eSIO1moVlIBLQzq4PnQ" }], "album": { "name": "Mambo (GATTÜSO Remix)", "id": "MPREb_jLeQJsd7U9w" }, "likeStatus": "LIKE", "thumbnails": [...], "isAvailable": true, "isExplicit": false, "duration": "3:32", "duration_seconds": 212, "setVideoId": "to_be_updated_by_client" } ], "related": [ { "title": "Presenting MYRNE", "playlistId": "RDCLAK5uy_mbdO3_xdD4NtU1rWI0OmvRSRZ8NH4uJCM", "thumbnails": [...], "description": "Playlist • YouTube Music" } ], "tracks": [ { "videoId": "bjGppZKiuFE", "title": "Lost", "artists": [ { "name": "Guest Who", "id": "UCkgCRdnnqWnUeIH7EIc3dBg" }, { "name": "Kate Wild", "id": "UCwR2l3JfJbvB6aq0RnnJfWg" } ], "album": { "name": "Lost", "id": "MPREb_PxmzvDuqOnC" }, "duration": "2:58", "duration_seconds": 178, "setVideoId": "748EE8..." "likeStatus": "INDIFFERENT", "thumbnails": [...], "isAvailable": True, "isExplicit": False, "videoType": "MUSIC_VIDEO_TYPE_OMV", "feedbackTokens": { "add": "AB9zfpJxtvrU...", "remove": "AB9zfpKTyZ..." } ] }
The setVideoId is the unique id of this playlist item and needed for moving/removing playlist items
- YTMusic.create_playlist(title: str, description: str, privacy_status: str = 'PRIVATE', video_ids: list | None = None, source_playlist: str | None = None) str | dict
Creates a new empty playlist and returns its id.
- Parameters:
title – Playlist title
description – Playlist description
privacy_status – Playlists can be
. Default:PRIVATE
video_ids – IDs of songs to create the playlist with
source_playlist – Another playlist whose songs should be added to the new playlist
- Returns:
ID of the YouTube playlist or full response if there was an error
- YTMusic.edit_playlist(playlistId: str, title: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, privacyStatus: str | None = None, moveItem: str | tuple[str, str] | None = None, addPlaylistId: str | None = None, addToTop: bool | None = None) str | dict
Edit title, description or privacyStatus of a playlist. You may also move an item within a playlist or append another playlist to this playlist.
- Parameters:
playlistId – Playlist id
title – Optional. New title for the playlist
description – Optional. New description for the playlist
privacyStatus – Optional. New privacy status for the playlist
moveItem – Optional. Move one item before another. Items are specified by setVideoId, which is the unique id of this playlist item. See
addPlaylistId – Optional. Id of another playlist to add to this playlist
addToTop – Optional. Change the state of this playlist to add items to the top of the playlist (if True) or the bottom of the playlist (if False - this is also the default of a new playlist).
- Returns:
Status String or full response
- YTMusic.delete_playlist(playlistId: str) str | dict
Delete a playlist.
- Parameters:
playlistId – Playlist id
- Returns:
Status String or full response
- YTMusic.add_playlist_items(playlistId: str, videoIds: list[str] | None = None, source_playlist: str | None = None, duplicates: bool = False) str | dict
Add songs to an existing playlist
- Parameters:
playlistId – Playlist id
videoIds – List of Video ids
source_playlist – Playlist id of a playlist to add to the current playlist (no duplicate check)
duplicates – If True, duplicates will be added. If False, an error will be returned if there are duplicates (no items are added to the playlist)
- Returns:
Status String and a dict containing the new setVideoId for each videoId or full response
- YTMusic.remove_playlist_items(playlistId: str, videos: list[dict]) str | dict
Remove songs from an existing playlist
- Parameters:
playlistId – Playlist id
videos – List of PlaylistItems, see
. Must contain videoId and setVideoId
- Returns:
Status String or full response