
Reference for the YTMusic class.

class ytmusicapi.YTMusic(auth: str | dict | None = None, user: str | None = None, requests_session=True, proxies: dict[str, str] | None = None, language: str = 'en', location: str = '', oauth_credentials: OAuthCredentials | None = None)

Allows automated interactions with YouTube Music by emulating the YouTube web client’s requests. Permits both authenticated and non-authenticated requests. Authentication header data must be provided on initialization.

YTMusic.__init__(auth: str | dict | None = None, user: str | None = None, requests_session=True, proxies: dict[str, str] | None = None, language: str = 'en', location: str = '', oauth_credentials: OAuthCredentials | None = None)

Create a new instance to interact with YouTube Music.

  • auth – Optional. Provide a string, path to file, or oauth token dict. Authentication credentials are needed to manage your library. See setup() for how to fill in the correct credentials. Default: A default header is used without authentication.

  • user – Optional. Specify a user ID string to use in requests. This is needed if you want to send requests on behalf of a brand account. Otherwise the default account is used. You can retrieve the user ID by going to and selecting your brand account. The user ID will be in the URL:

  • requests_session

    A Requests session object or a truthy value to create one. Default sessions have a request timeout of 30s, which produces a requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout. The timeout can be changed by passing your own Session object:

    s = requests.Session()
    s.request = functools.partial(s.request, timeout=3)
    ytm = YTMusic(requests_session=s)

    A falsy value disables sessions. It is generally a good idea to keep sessions enabled for performance reasons (connection pooling).

  • proxies

    Optional. Proxy configuration in requests format.

  • language – Optional. Can be used to change the language of returned data. English will be used by default. Available languages can be checked in the ytmusicapi/locales directory.

  • location – Optional. Can be used to change the location of the user. No location will be set by default. This means it is determined by the server. Available languages can be checked in the FAQ.

  • oauth_credentials – Optional. Used to specify a different oauth client to be used for authentication flow.


See also the Setup page

ytmusicapi.setup(filepath: str | None = None, headers_raw: str | None = None) str

Requests browser headers from the user via command line and returns a string that can be passed to YTMusic()

  • filepath – Optional filepath to store headers to.

  • headers_raw – Optional request headers copied from browser. Otherwise requested from terminal


configuration headers string

ytmusicapi.setup_oauth(filepath: str | None = None, session: Session | None = None, proxies: dict | None = None, open_browser: bool = False, client_id: str | None = None, client_secret: str | None = None) RefreshingToken

Starts oauth flow from the terminal and returns a string that can be passed to YTMusic()

  • session – Session to use for authentication

  • proxies – Proxies to use for authentication

  • filepath – Optional filepath to store headers to.

  • open_browser – If True, open the default browser with the setup link

  • client_id – Optional. Used to specify the client_id oauth should use for authentication flow. If provided, client_secret MUST also be passed or both will be ignored.

  • client_secret – Optional. Same as client_id but for the oauth client secret.


configuration headers string


YTMusic.get_home(limit=3) list[dict]

Get the home page. The home page is structured as titled rows, returning 3 rows of music suggestions at a time. Content varies and may contain artist, album, song or playlist suggestions, sometimes mixed within the same row


limit – Number of rows to return


List of dictionaries keyed with ‘title’ text and ‘contents’ list

Example list:

        "title": "Your morning music",
        "contents": [
            { //album result
                "title": "Sentiment",
                "browseId": "MPREb_QtqXtd2xZMR",
                "thumbnails": [...]
            { //playlist result
                "title": "r/EDM top submissions 01/28/2022",
                "playlistId": "PLz7-xrYmULdSLRZGk-6GKUtaBZcgQNwel",
                "thumbnails": [...],
                "description": "redditEDM • 161 songs",
                "count": "161",
                "author": [
                        "name": "redditEDM",
                        "id": "UCaTrZ9tPiIGHrkCe5bxOGwA"
        "title": "Your favorites",
        "contents": [
            { //artist result
                "title": "Chill Satellite",
                "browseId": "UCrPLFBWdOroD57bkqPbZJog",
                "subscribers": "374",
                "thumbnails": [...]
            { //album result
                "title": "Dragon",
                "year": "Two Steps From Hell",
                "browseId": "MPREb_M9aDqLRbSeg",
                "thumbnails": [...]
        "title": "Quick picks",
        "contents": [
            { //song quick pick
                "title": "Gravity",
                "videoId": "EludZd6lfts",
                "artists": [{
                        "name": "yetep",
                        "id": "UCSW0r7dClqCoCvQeqXiZBlg"
                "thumbnails": [...],
                "album": {
                    "name": "Gravity",
                    "id": "MPREb_D6bICFcuuRY"
            { //video quick pick
                "title": "Gryffin & Illenium (feat. Daya) - Feel Good (L3V3LS Remix)",
                "videoId": "bR5l0hJDnX8",
                "artists": [
                        "name": "L3V3LS",
                        "id": "UCCVNihbOdkOWw_-ajIYhAbQ"
                "thumbnails": [...],
                "views": "10M"
YTMusic.get_artist(channelId: str) dict

Get information about an artist and their top releases (songs, albums, singles, videos, and related artists). The top lists contain pointers for getting the full list of releases.

Possible content types for get_artist are:

  • songs

  • albums

  • singles

  • shows

  • videos

  • episodes

  • podcasts

  • related

Each of these content keys in the response contains results and possibly browseId and params.


channelId – channel id of the artist


Dictionary with requested information.


The returned channelId is not the same as the one passed to the function. It should be used only with subscribe_artists().


    "description": "Oasis were ...",
    "views": "1838795605",
    "name": "Oasis",
    "channelId": "UCUDVBtnOQi4c7E8jebpjc9Q",
    "subscribers": "2.3M",
    "subscribed": false,
    "thumbnails": [...],
    "songs": {
        "browseId": "VLPLMpM3Z0118S42R1npOhcjoakLIv1aqnS1",
        "results": [
                "videoId": "ZrOKjDZOtkA",
                "title": "Wonderwall (Remastered)",
                "thumbnails": [...],
                "artist": "Oasis",
                "album": "(What's The Story) Morning Glory? (Remastered)"
    "albums": {
        "results": [
                "title": "Familiar To Millions",
                "thumbnails": [...],
                "year": "2018",
                "browseId": "MPREb_AYetWMZunqA"
        "browseId": "UCmMUZbaYdNH0bEd1PAlAqsA",
        "params": "6gPTAUNwc0JDbndLYlFBQV..."
    "singles": {
        "results": [
                "title": "Stand By Me (Mustique Demo)",
                "thumbnails": [...],
                "year": "2016",
                "browseId": "MPREb_7MPKLhibN5G"
        "browseId": "UCmMUZbaYdNH0bEd1PAlAqsA",
        "params": "6gPTAUNwc0JDbndLYlFBQV..."
    "videos": {
        "results": [
                "title": "Wonderwall",
                "thumbnails": [...],
                "views": "358M",
                "videoId": "bx1Bh8ZvH84",
                "playlistId": "PLMpM3Z0118S5xuNckw1HUcj1D021AnMEB"
        "browseId": "VLPLMpM3Z0118S5xuNckw1HUcj1D021AnMEB"
    "related": {
        "results": [
                "browseId": "UCt2KxZpY5D__kapeQ8cauQw",
                "subscribers": "450K",
                "title": "The Verve"
                "browseId": "UCwK2Grm574W1u-sBzLikldQ",
                "subscribers": "341K",
                "title": "Liam Gallagher"
YTMusic.get_artist_albums(channelId: str, params: str, limit: int | None = 100, order: str | None = None) list[dict]

Get the full list of an artist’s albums, singles or shows

  • channelId – browseId of the artist as returned by get_artist()

  • params – params obtained by get_artist()

  • limit – Number of albums to return. None retrieves them all. Default: 100

  • order – Order of albums to return. Allowed values: ‘Recency’, ‘Popularity’, ‘Alphabetical order’. Default: Default order.


List of albums in the format of get_library_albums(), except artists key is missing.

YTMusic.get_album(browseId: str) dict

Get information and tracks of an album


browseId – browseId of the album, for example returned by search()


Dictionary with album and track metadata.

The result is in the following format:

  "title": "Revival",
  "type": "Album",
  "thumbnails": [],
  "description": "Revival is the...",
  "artists": [
      "name": "Eminem",
      "id": "UCedvOgsKFzcK3hA5taf3KoQ"
  "year": "2017",
  "trackCount": 19,
  "duration": "1 hour, 17 minutes",
  "audioPlaylistId": "OLAK5uy_nMr9h2VlS-2PULNz3M3XVXQj_P3C2bqaY",
  "tracks": [
      "videoId": "iKLU7z_xdYQ",
      "title": "Walk On Water (feat. Beyoncé)",
      "artists": [
          "name": "Eminem",
          "id": "UCedvOgsKFzcK3hA5taf3KoQ"
      "album": "Revival",
      "likeStatus": "INDIFFERENT",
      "thumbnails": null,
      "isAvailable": true,
      "isExplicit": true,
      "duration": "5:03",
      "duration_seconds": 303,
      "trackNumber": 0,
      "feedbackTokens": {
        "add": "AB9zfpK...",
        "remove": "AB9zfpK..."
  "other_versions": [
      "title": "Revival",
      "year": "Eminem",
      "browseId": "MPREb_fefKFOTEZSp",
      "thumbnails": [...],
      "isExplicit": false
  "duration_seconds": 4657
YTMusic.get_album_browse_id(audioPlaylistId: str) str | None

Get an album’s browseId based on its audioPlaylistId


audioPlaylistId – id of the audio playlist (starting with OLAK5uy_)


browseId (starting with MPREb_)

YTMusic.get_user(channelId: str) dict

Retrieve a user’s page. A user may own videos or playlists.

Use get_user_playlists() to retrieve all playlists:

result = get_user(channelId)
get_user_playlists(channelId, result["playlists"]["params"])

Similarly, use get_user_videos() to retrieve all videos:

get_user_videos(channelId, result["videos"]["params"])

channelId – channelId of the user


Dictionary with information about a user.


  "name": "4Tune - No Copyright Music",
  "videos": {
    "browseId": "UC44hbeRoCZVVMVg5z0FfIww",
    "results": [
        "title": "Epic Music Soundtracks 2019",
        "videoId": "bJonJjgS2mM",
        "playlistId": "RDAMVMbJonJjgS2mM",
        "thumbnails": [
            "url": "",
            "width": 800,
            "height": 450
        "views": "19K"
  "playlists": {
    "browseId": "UC44hbeRoCZVVMVg5z0FfIww",
    "results": [
        "title": "♚ Machinimasound | Playlist",
        "playlistId": "PLRm766YvPiO9ZqkBuEzSTt6Bk4eWIr3gB",
        "thumbnails": [
            "url": "",
            "width": 400,
            "height": 225
    "params": "6gO3AUNvWU..."
YTMusic.get_user_playlists(channelId: str, params: str) list[dict]

Retrieve a list of playlists for a given user. Call this function again with the returned params to get the full list.

  • channelId – channelId of the user.

  • params – params obtained by get_user()


List of user playlists in the format of get_library_playlists()

YTMusic.get_user_videos(channelId: str, params: str) list[dict]

Retrieve a list of videos for a given user. Call this function again with the returned params to get the full list.

  • channelId – channelId of the user.

  • params – params obtained by get_user()


List of user videos

YTMusic.get_song(videoId: str, signatureTimestamp: int | None = None) dict

Returns metadata and streaming information about a song or video.

  • videoId – Video id

  • signatureTimestamp – Provide the current YouTube signatureTimestamp. If not provided a default value will be used, which might result in invalid streaming URLs


Dictionary with song metadata.


    "playabilityStatus": {
        "status": "OK",
        "playableInEmbed": true,
        "audioOnlyPlayability": {
            "audioOnlyPlayabilityRenderer": {
                "trackingParams": "CAEQx2kiEwiuv9X5i5H1AhWBvlUKHRoZAHk=",
                "audioOnlyAvailability": "FEATURE_AVAILABILITY_ALLOWED"
        "miniplayer": {
            "miniplayerRenderer": {
                "playbackMode": "PLAYBACK_MODE_ALLOW"
        "contextParams": "Q0FBU0FnZ0M="
    "streamingData": {
        "expiresInSeconds": "21540",
        "adaptiveFormats": [
                "itag": 140,
                "url": "",
                "mimeType": "audio/mp4; codecs="mp4a.40.2"",
                "bitrate": 131007,
                "initRange": {
                    "start": "0",
                    "end": "667"
                "indexRange": {
                    "start": "668",
                    "end": "999"
                "lastModified": "1620321966927796",
                "contentLength": "3967382",
                "quality": "tiny",
                "projectionType": "RECTANGULAR",
                "averageBitrate": 129547,
                "highReplication": true,
                "audioQuality": "AUDIO_QUALITY_MEDIUM",
                "approxDurationMs": "245000",
                "audioSampleRate": "44100",
                "audioChannels": 2,
                "loudnessDb": -1.3000002
    "playbackTracking": {
        "videostatsPlaybackUrl": {
          "baseUrl": "",
          "headers": [
              "headerType": "USER_AUTH"
              "headerType": "VISITOR_ID"
              "headerType": "PLUS_PAGE_ID"
        "videostatsDelayplayUrl": {(as above)},
        "videostatsWatchtimeUrl": {(as above)},
        "ptrackingUrl": {(as above)},
        "qoeUrl": {(as above)},
        "atrUrl": {(as above)},
        "videostatsScheduledFlushWalltimeSeconds": [
        "videostatsDefaultFlushIntervalSeconds": 40
    "videoDetails": {
        "videoId": "AjXQiKP5kMs",
        "title": "Sparks",
        "lengthSeconds": "245",
        "channelId": "UCvCk2zFqkCYzpnSgWfx0qOg",
        "isOwnerViewing": false,
        "isCrawlable": false,
        "thumbnail": {
            "thumbnails": []
        "allowRatings": true,
        "viewCount": "12",
        "author": "Thomas Bergersen",
        "isPrivate": true,
        "isUnpluggedCorpus": false,
        "isLiveContent": false
    "microformat": {
        "microformatDataRenderer": {
            "urlCanonical": "",
            "title": "Sparks - YouTube Music",
            "description": "Uploaded to YouTube via YouTube Music Sparks",
            "thumbnail": {
                "thumbnails": [
                        "url": "",
                        "width": 480,
                        "height": 360
            "siteName": "YouTube Music",
            "appName": "YouTube Music",
            "androidPackage": "",
            "iosAppStoreId": "1017492454",
            "iosAppArguments": "",
            "ogType": "video.other",
            "urlApplinksIos": "",
            "urlApplinksAndroid": "",
            "urlTwitterIos": "",
            "urlTwitterAndroid": "",
            "twitterCardType": "player",
            "twitterSiteHandle": "@YouTubeMusic",
            "schemaDotOrgType": "",
            "noindex": true,
            "unlisted": true,
            "paid": false,
            "familySafe": true,
            "pageOwnerDetails": {
                "name": "Music Library Uploads",
                "externalChannelId": "UCvCk2zFqkCYzpnSgWfx0qOg",
                "youtubeProfileUrl": ""
            "videoDetails": {
                "externalVideoId": "AjXQiKP5kMs",
                "durationSeconds": "246",
                "durationIso8601": "PT4M6S"
            "linkAlternates": [
                    "hrefUrl": "android-app://"
                    "hrefUrl": "ios-app://544007664/http/"
                    "hrefUrl": "",
                    "title": "Sparks",
                    "alternateType": "application/json+oembed"
                    "hrefUrl": "",
                    "title": "Sparks",
                    "alternateType": "text/xml+oembed"
            "viewCount": "12",
            "publishDate": "1969-12-31",
            "category": "Music",
            "uploadDate": "1969-12-31"

Gets related content for a song. Equivalent to the content shown in the “Related” tab of the watch panel.


browseId – The related key in the get_watch_playlist response.


    "title": "You might also like",
    "contents": [
        "title": "High And Dry",
        "videoId": "7fv84nPfTH0",
        "artists": [{
            "name": "Radiohead",
            "id": "UCr_iyUANcn9OX_yy9piYoLw"
        "thumbnails": [
            "url": "",
            "width": 60,
            "height": 60
        "isExplicit": false,
        "album": {
          "name": "The Bends",
          "id": "MPREb_xsmDKhqhQrG"
    "title": "Recommended playlists",
    "contents": [
        "title": "'90s Alternative Rock Hits",
        "playlistId": "RDCLAK5uy_m_h-nx7OCFaq9AlyXv78lG0AuloqW_NUA",
        "thumbnails": [...],
        "description": "Playlist • YouTube Music"
    "title": "Similar artists",
    "contents": [
        "title": "Noel Gallagher",
        "browseId": "UCu7yYcX_wIZgG9azR3PqrxA",
        "subscribers": "302K",
        "thumbnails": [...]
    "title": "Oasis",
    "contents": [
        "title": "Shakermaker",
        "year": "2014",
        "browseId": "MPREb_WNGQWp5czjD",
        "thumbnails": [...]
    "title": "About the artist",
    "contents": "Oasis were a rock band consisting of Liam Gallagher, Paul ... (full description shortened for documentation)"
YTMusic.get_lyrics(browseId: str) dict

Returns lyrics of a song or video.


browseId – Lyrics browse id obtained from get_watch_playlist


Dictionary with song lyrics.


    "lyrics": "Today is gonna be the day\nThat they're gonna throw it back to you\n",
    "source": "Source: LyricFind"
YTMusic.get_tasteprofile() dict

Fetches suggested artists from taste profile ( Tasteprofile allows users to pick artists to update their recommendations. Only returns a list of suggested artists, not the actual list of selected entries


Dictionary with artist and their selection & impression value


    "Drake": {
        "selectionValue": "tastebuilder_selection=/m/05mt_q"
        "impressionValue": "tastebuilder_impression=/m/05mt_q"
YTMusic.set_tasteprofile(artists: list[str], taste_profile: dict | None = None) None

Favorites artists to see more recommendations from the artist. Use get_tasteprofile() to see which artists are available to be recommended

  • artists – A List with names of artists, must be contained in the tasteprofile

  • taste_profile – tasteprofile result from get_tasteprofile(). Pass this if you call get_tasteprofile() anyway to save an extra request.


None if successful


YTMusic.get_mood_categories() dict

Fetch “Moods & Genres” categories from YouTube Music.


Dictionary of sections and categories.


    'For you': [
            'params': 'ggMPOg1uX1ZwN0pHT2NBT1Fk',
            'title': '1980s'
            'params': 'ggMPOg1uXzZQbDB5eThLRTQ3',
            'title': 'Feel Good'
    'Genres': [
            'params': 'ggMPOg1uXzVLbmZnaWI4STNs',
            'title': 'Dance & Electronic'
            'params': 'ggMPOg1uX3NjZllsNGVEMkZo',
            'title': 'Decades'
    'Moods & moments': [
            'params': 'ggMPOg1uXzVuc0dnZlhpV3Ba',
            'title': 'Chill'
            'params': 'ggMPOg1uX2ozUHlwbWM3ajNq',
            'title': 'Commute'
YTMusic.get_mood_playlists(params: str) list[dict]

Retrieve a list of playlists for a given “Moods & Genres” category.


params – params obtained by get_mood_categories()


List of playlists in the format of get_library_playlists()

YTMusic.get_charts(country: str = 'ZZ') dict

Get latest charts data from YouTube Music: Top songs, top videos, top artists and top trending videos. Global charts have no Trending section, US charts have an extra Genres section with some Genre charts.


country – ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code. Default: ZZ = Global


Dictionary containing chart songs (only if authenticated with premium account), chart videos, chart artists and trending videos.


    "countries": {
        "selected": {
            "text": "United States"
        "options": ["DE",
    "songs": {
        "playlist": "VLPL4fGSI1pDJn6O1LS0XSdF3RyO0Rq_LDeI",
        "items": [
                "title": "Outside (Better Days)",
                "videoId": "oT79YlRtXDg",
                "artists": [
                        "name": "MO3",
                        "id": "UCdFt4Cvhr7Okaxo6hZg5K8g"
                        "name": "OG Bobby Billions",
                        "id": "UCLusb4T2tW3gOpJS1fJ-A9g"
                "thumbnails": [...],
                "isExplicit": true,
                "album": {
                    "name": "Outside (Better Days)",
                    "id": "MPREb_fX4Yv8frUNv"
                "rank": "1",
                "trend": "up"
    "videos": {
        "playlist": "VLPL4fGSI1pDJn69On1f-8NAvX_CYlx7QyZc",
        "items": [
                "title": "EVERY CHANCE I GET (Official Music Video) (feat. Lil Baby & Lil Durk)",
                "videoId": "BTivsHlVcGU",
                "playlistId": "PL4fGSI1pDJn69On1f-8NAvX_CYlx7QyZc",
                "thumbnails": [],
                "views": "46M"
    "artists": {
        "playlist": null,
        "items": [
                "title": "YoungBoy Never Broke Again",
                "browseId": "UCR28YDxjDE3ogQROaNdnRbQ",
                "subscribers": "9.62M",
                "thumbnails": [],
                "rank": "1",
                "trend": "neutral"
    "genres": [
            "title": "Top 50 Pop Music Videos United States",
            "playlistId": "PL4fGSI1pDJn77aK7sAW2AT0oOzo5inWY8",
            "thumbnails": []
    "trending": {
        "playlist": "VLPLrEnWoR732-DtKgaDdnPkezM_nDidBU9H",
        "items": [
                "title": "Permission to Dance",
                "videoId": "CuklIb9d3fI",
                "playlistId": "PLrEnWoR732-DtKgaDdnPkezM_nDidBU9H",
                "artists": [
                        "name": "BTS",
                        "id": "UC9vrvNSL3xcWGSkV86REBSg"
                "thumbnails": [],
                "views": "108M"


YTMusic.get_watch_playlist(videoId: str | None = None, playlistId: str | None = None, limit=25, radio: bool = False, shuffle: bool = False) dict[str, Union[list[dict], str, NoneType]]

Get a watch list of tracks. This watch playlist appears when you press play on a track in YouTube Music.

Please note that the INDIFFERENT likeStatus of tracks returned by this endpoint may be either INDIFFERENT or DISLIKE, due to ambiguous data returned by YouTube Music.

  • videoId – videoId of the played video

  • playlistId – playlistId of the played playlist or album

  • limit – minimum number of watch playlist items to return

  • radio – get a radio playlist (changes each time)

  • shuffle – shuffle the input playlist. only works when the playlistId parameter is set at the same time. does not work if radio=True


List of watch playlist items. The counterpart key is optional and only appears if a song has a corresponding video counterpart (UI song/video switcher).


    "tracks": [
          "videoId": "9mWr4c_ig54",
          "title": "Foolish Of Me (feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn)",
          "length": "3:07",
          "thumbnail": [
              "url": "",
              "width": 60,
              "height": 60
          "feedbackTokens": {
            "add": "AB9zfpIGg9XN4u2iJ...",
            "remove": "AB9zfpJdzWLcdZtC..."
          "likeStatus": "INDIFFERENT",
          "videoType": "MUSIC_VIDEO_TYPE_ATV",
          "artists": [
              "name": "Seven Lions",
              "id": "UCYd2yzYRx7b9FYnBSlbnknA"
              "name": "Jason Ross",
              "id": "UCVCD9Iwnqn2ipN9JIF6B-nA"
              "name": "Crystal Skies",
              "id": "UCTJZESxeZ0J_M7JXyFUVmvA"
          "album": {
            "name": "Foolish Of Me",
            "id": "MPREb_C8aRK1qmsDJ"
          "year": "2020",
          "counterpart": {
            "videoId": "E0S4W34zFMA",
            "title": "Foolish Of Me [ABGT404] (feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn)",
            "length": "3:07",
            "thumbnail": [...],
            "feedbackTokens": null,
            "likeStatus": "LIKE",
            "artists": [
                "name": "Jason Ross",
                "id": null
                "name": "Seven Lions",
                "id": null
                "name": "Crystal Skies",
                "id": null
            "views": "6.6K"
    "playlistId": "RDAMVM4y33h81phKU",
    "lyrics": "MPLYt_HNNclO0Ddoc-17"


YTMusic.get_library_playlists(limit: int | None = 25) list[dict]

Retrieves the playlists in the user’s library.


limit – Number of playlists to retrieve. None retrieves them all.


List of owned playlists.

Each item is in the following format:

    'playlistId': 'PLQwVIlKxHM6rz0fDJVv_0UlXGEWf-bFys',
    'title': 'Playlist title',
    'thumbnails: [...],
    'count': 5
YTMusic.get_library_songs(limit: int = 25, validate_responses: bool = False, order: str | None = None) list[dict]

Gets the songs in the user’s library (liked videos are not included). To get liked songs and videos, use get_liked_songs()

  • limit – Number of songs to retrieve

  • validate_responses – Flag indicating if responses from YTM should be validated and retried in case when some songs are missing. Default: False

  • order – Order of songs to return. Allowed values: ‘a_to_z’, ‘z_to_a’, ‘recently_added’. Default: Default order.


List of songs. Same format as get_playlist()

YTMusic.get_library_albums(limit: int = 25, order: str | None = None) list[dict]

Gets the albums in the user’s library.

  • limit – Number of albums to return

  • order – Order of albums to return. Allowed values: ‘a_to_z’, ‘z_to_a’, ‘recently_added’. Default: Default order.


List of albums.

Each item is in the following format:

  "browseId": "MPREb_G8AiyN7RvFg",
  "playlistId": "OLAK5uy_lKgoGvlrWhX0EIPavQUXxyPed8Cj38AWc",
  "title": "Beautiful",
  "type": "Album",
  "thumbnails": [...],
  "artists": [{
    "name": "Project 46",
    "id": "UCXFv36m62USAN5rnVct9B4g"
  "year": "2015"
YTMusic.get_library_artists(limit: int = 25, order: str | None = None) list[dict]

Gets the artists of the songs in the user’s library.

  • limit – Number of artists to return

  • order – Order of artists to return. Allowed values: ‘a_to_z’, ‘z_to_a’, ‘recently_added’. Default: Default order.


List of artists.

Each item is in the following format:

  "browseId": "UCxEqaQWosMHaTih-tgzDqug",
  "artist": "WildVibes",
  "subscribers": "2.91K",
  "thumbnails": [...]
YTMusic.get_library_subscriptions(limit: int = 25, order: str | None = None) list[dict]

Gets the artists the user has subscribed to.

  • limit – Number of artists to return

  • order – Order of artists to return. Allowed values: ‘a_to_z’, ‘z_to_a’, ‘recently_added’. Default: Default order.


List of artists. Same format as get_library_artists()

YTMusic.get_library_podcasts(limit: int = 25, order: str | None = None) list[dict]

Get podcasts the user has added to the library

  • limit – Number of podcasts to return

  • order – Order of podcasts to return. Allowed values: ‘a_to_z’, ‘z_to_a’, ‘recently_added’. Default: Default order.


List of podcasts. New Episodes playlist is the first podcast returned, but only if subscribed to relevant podcasts.


        "title": "New Episodes",
            "id": null,
            "name": "Auto playlist"
        "browseId": "VLRDPN",
        "podcastId": "RDPN",
        "thumbnails": [...]
        "title": "5 Minuten Harry Podcast",
            "id": "UCDIDXF4WM1qQzerrxeEfSdA",
            "name": "coldmirror"
        "browseId": "MPSPPLDvBqWb1UAGeEt9n6vFH_zdGw65Obf3sH",
        "podcastId": "PLDvBqWb1UAGeEt9n6vFH_zdGw65Obf3sH",
        "thumbnails": [...]
YTMusic.get_library_channels(limit: int = 25, order: str | None = None) list[dict]

Get channels the user has added to the library

  • limit – Number of channels to return

  • order – Order of channels to return. Allowed values: ‘a_to_z’, ‘z_to_a’, ‘recently_added’. Default: Default order.


List of channels.


        "browseId": "UCRFF8xw5dg9mL4r5ryFOtKw",
        "artist": "Jumpers Jump",
        "subscribers": "1.54M",
        "thumbnails": [...]
        "browseId": "UCQ3f2_sO3NJyDkuCxCNSOVA",
        "artist": "BROWN BAG",
        "subscribers": "74.2K",
        "thumbnails": [...]
YTMusic.get_liked_songs(limit: int = 100) dict

Gets playlist items for the ‘Liked Songs’ playlist


limit – How many items to return. Default: 100


List of playlistItem dictionaries. See get_playlist()

YTMusic.get_saved_episodes(limit: int = 100) dict

Gets playlist items for the ‘Liked Songs’ playlist


limit – How many items to return. Default: 100


List of playlistItem dictionaries. See get_playlist()

YTMusic.get_history() list[dict]

Gets your play history in reverse chronological order


List of playlistItems, see get_playlist() The additional property played indicates when the playlistItem was played The additional property feedbackToken can be used to remove items with remove_history_items()


Add an item to the account’s history using the playbackTracking URI obtained from get_song().


song – Dictionary as returned by get_song()


Full response. response.status_code is 204 if successful

YTMusic.remove_history_items(feedbackTokens: list[str]) dict

Remove an item from the account’s history. This method does currently not work with brand accounts


feedbackTokens – Token to identify the item to remove, obtained from get_history()


Full response

YTMusic.rate_song(videoId: str, rating: str = 'INDIFFERENT') dict | None

Rates a song (“thumbs up”/”thumbs down” interactions on YouTube Music)

  • videoId – Video id

  • rating


    ’INDIFFERENT’ removes the previous rating and assigns no rating


Full response

YTMusic.edit_song_library_status(feedbackTokens: list[str] | None = None) dict

Adds or removes a song from your library depending on the token provided.


feedbackTokens – List of feedbackTokens obtained from authenticated requests to endpoints that return songs (i.e. get_album())


Full response

YTMusic.rate_playlist(playlistId: str, rating: str = 'INDIFFERENT') dict

Rates a playlist/album (“Add to library”/”Remove from library” interactions on YouTube Music) You can also dislike a playlist/album, which has an effect on your recommendations

  • playlistId – Playlist id

  • rating


    ’INDIFFERENT’ removes the playlist/album from the library


Full response

YTMusic.subscribe_artists(channelIds: list[str]) dict

Subscribe to artists. Adds the artists to your library


channelIds – Artist channel ids


Full response

YTMusic.unsubscribe_artists(channelIds: list[str]) dict

Unsubscribe from artists. Removes the artists from your library


channelIds – Artist channel ids


Full response

YTMusic.get_account_info() dict

Gets information about the currently authenticated user’s account.


Dictionary with user’s account name, channel handle, and URL of their account photo.


    "accountName": "Sample User",
    "channelHandle": "@SampleUser
    "accountPhotoUrl": ""


YTMusic.get_playlist(playlistId: str, limit: int | None = 100, related: bool = False, suggestions_limit: int = 0) dict

Returns a list of playlist items

  • playlistId – Playlist id

  • limit – How many songs to return. None retrieves them all. Default: 100

  • related – Whether to fetch 10 related playlists or not. Default: False

  • suggestions_limit – How many suggestions to return. The result is a list of suggested playlist items (videos) contained in a “suggestions” key. 7 items are retrieved in each internal request. Default: 0


Dictionary with information about the playlist. The key tracks contains a List of playlistItem dictionaries

The result is in the following format:

  "id": "PLQwVIlKxHM6qv-o99iX9R85og7IzF9YS_",
  "privacy": "PUBLIC",
  "title": "New EDM This Week 03/13/2020",
  "thumbnails": [...]
  "description": "Weekly r/EDM new release roundup. Created with",
  "author": "sigmatics",
  "year": "2020",
  "duration": "6+ hours",
  "duration_seconds": 52651,
  "trackCount": 237,
  "suggestions": [
        "videoId": "HLCsfOykA94",
        "title": "Mambo (GATTÜSO Remix)",
        "artists": [{
            "name": "Nikki Vianna",
            "id": "UCMW5eSIO1moVlIBLQzq4PnQ"
        "album": {
          "name": "Mambo (GATTÜSO Remix)",
          "id": "MPREb_jLeQJsd7U9w"
        "likeStatus": "LIKE",
        "thumbnails": [...],
        "isAvailable": true,
        "isExplicit": false,
        "duration": "3:32",
        "duration_seconds": 212,
        "setVideoId": "to_be_updated_by_client"
  "related": [
        "title": "Presenting MYRNE",
        "playlistId": "RDCLAK5uy_mbdO3_xdD4NtU1rWI0OmvRSRZ8NH4uJCM",
        "thumbnails": [...],
        "description": "Playlist • YouTube Music"
  "tracks": [
      "videoId": "bjGppZKiuFE",
      "title": "Lost",
      "artists": [
          "name": "Guest Who",
          "id": "UCkgCRdnnqWnUeIH7EIc3dBg"
          "name": "Kate Wild",
          "id": "UCwR2l3JfJbvB6aq0RnnJfWg"
      "album": {
        "name": "Lost",
        "id": "MPREb_PxmzvDuqOnC"
      "duration": "2:58",
      "duration_seconds": 178,
      "setVideoId": "748EE8..."
      "likeStatus": "INDIFFERENT",
      "thumbnails": [...],
      "isAvailable": True,
      "isExplicit": False,
      "videoType": "MUSIC_VIDEO_TYPE_OMV",
      "feedbackTokens": {
        "add": "AB9zfpJxtvrU...",
        "remove": "AB9zfpKTyZ..."

The setVideoId is the unique id of this playlist item and needed for moving/removing playlist items

YTMusic.create_playlist(title: str, description: str, privacy_status: str = 'PRIVATE', video_ids: list | None = None, source_playlist: str | None = None) str | dict

Creates a new empty playlist and returns its id.

  • title – Playlist title

  • description – Playlist description

  • privacy_status – Playlists can be ‘PUBLIC’, ‘PRIVATE’, or ‘UNLISTED’. Default: ‘PRIVATE’

  • video_ids – IDs of songs to create the playlist with

  • source_playlist – Another playlist whose songs should be added to the new playlist


ID of the YouTube playlist or full response if there was an error

YTMusic.edit_playlist(playlistId: str, title: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, privacyStatus: str | None = None, moveItem: str | tuple[str, str] | None = None, addPlaylistId: str | None = None, addToTop: bool | None = None) str | dict

Edit title, description or privacyStatus of a playlist. You may also move an item within a playlist or append another playlist to this playlist.

  • playlistId – Playlist id

  • title – Optional. New title for the playlist

  • description – Optional. New description for the playlist

  • privacyStatus – Optional. New privacy status for the playlist

  • moveItem – Optional. Move one item before another. Items are specified by setVideoId, which is the unique id of this playlist item. See get_playlist()

  • addPlaylistId – Optional. Id of another playlist to add to this playlist

  • addToTop – Optional. Change the state of this playlist to add items to the top of the playlist (if True) or the bottom of the playlist (if False - this is also the default of a new playlist).


Status String or full response

YTMusic.delete_playlist(playlistId: str) str | dict

Delete a playlist.


playlistId – Playlist id


Status String or full response

YTMusic.add_playlist_items(playlistId: str, videoIds: list[str] | None = None, source_playlist: str | None = None, duplicates: bool = False) str | dict

Add songs to an existing playlist

  • playlistId – Playlist id

  • videoIds – List of Video ids

  • source_playlist – Playlist id of a playlist to add to the current playlist (no duplicate check)

  • duplicates – If True, duplicates will be added. If False, an error will be returned if there are duplicates (no items are added to the playlist)


Status String and a dict containing the new setVideoId for each videoId or full response

YTMusic.remove_playlist_items(playlistId: str, videos: list[dict]) str | dict

Remove songs from an existing playlist

  • playlistId – Playlist id

  • videos – List of PlaylistItems, see get_playlist(). Must contain videoId and setVideoId


Status String or full response


YTMusic.get_channel(channelId: str) dict

Get information about a podcast channel (episodes, podcasts). For episodes, a maximum of 10 episodes are returned, the full list of episodes can be retrieved via get_channel_episodes()


channelId – channel id


Dict containing channel info


    "title": 'Stanford Graduate School of Business',
    "thumbnails": [...]
        "browseId": "UCGwuxdEeCf0TIA2RbPOj-8g",
                "index": 0,
                "title": "The Brain Gain: The Impact of Immigration on American Innovation with Rebecca Diamond",
                "description": "Immigrants' contributions to America ...",
                "duration": "24 min",
                "videoId": "TS3Ovvk3VAA",
                "browseId": "MPEDTS3Ovvk3VAA",
                "videoType": "MUSIC_VIDEO_TYPE_PODCAST_EPISODE",
                "date": "Mar 6, 2024",
                "thumbnails": [...]
        "params": "6gPiAUdxWUJXcFlCQ3BN..."
        "browseId": null,
                "title": "Stanford GSB Podcasts",
                    "id": "UCGwuxdEeCf0TIA2RbPOj-8g",
                    "name": "Stanford Graduate School of Business"
                "browseId": "MPSPPLxq_lXOUlvQDUNyoBYLkN8aVt5yAwEtG9",
                "podcastId": "PLxq_lXOUlvQDUNyoBYLkN8aVt5yAwEtG9",
                "thumbnails": [...]
YTMusic.get_channel_episodes(channelId: str, params: str) list[dict]

Get all channel episodes. This endpoint is currently unlimited

  • channelId – channelId of the user

  • params – params obtained by get_channel()


List of channel episodes in the format of get_channel() “episodes” key

YTMusic.get_podcast(playlistId: str, limit: int | None = 100) dict

Returns podcast metadata and episodes


To add a podcast to your library, you need to call rate_playlist on it

  • playlistId – Playlist id

  • limit – How many songs to return. None retrieves them all. Default: 100


Dict with podcast information


        "name": "Stanford Graduate School of Business",
        "id": "UCGwuxdEeCf0TIA2RbPOj-8g"
    "title": "Think Fast, Talk Smart: The Podcast",
    "description": "Join Matt Abrahams, a lecturer of...",
    "saved": false,
            "index": 0,
            "title": "132. Lean Into Failure: How to Make Mistakes That Work | Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication...",
            "description": "Effective and productive teams and...",
            "duration": "25 min",
            "videoId": "xAEGaW2my7E",
            "browseId": "MPEDxAEGaW2my7E",
            "videoType": "MUSIC_VIDEO_TYPE_PODCAST_EPISODE",
            "date": "Mar 5, 2024",
            "thumbnails": [...]
YTMusic.get_episode(videoId: str) dict

Retrieve episode data for a single episode


To save an episode, you need to call add_playlist_items to add it to the SE (saved episodes) playlist.


videoId – browseId (MPED..) or videoId for a single episode


Dict containing information about the episode

The description elements are based on a custom dataclass, not shown in the example below The description text items also contain “n” to indicate newlines, removed below due to RST issues


        "name": "Stanford GSB Podcasts",
        "id": "MPSPPLxq_lXOUlvQDUNyoBYLkN8aVt5yAwEtG9"
    "title": "124. Making Meetings Me...",
    "date": "Jan 16, 2024",
    "duration": "25 min",
    "saved": false,
    "playlistId": "MPSPPLxq_lXOUlvQDUNyoBYLkN8aVt5yAwEtG9",
            "text": "Delve into why people hate meetings, ... Karin Reed ("
            "text": "",
            "url": ""
            "text": ")Chapters:("
            "text": "00:00",
            "seconds": 0
            "text": ") Introduction Host Matt Abrahams...("
            "text": "01:30",
            "seconds": 90
YTMusic.get_episodes_playlist(playlist_id: str = 'RDPN') dict

Get all episodes in an episodes playlist. Currently the only known playlist is the “New Episodes” auto-generated playlist


playlist_id – Playlist ID, defaults to “RDPN”, the id of the New Episodes playlist


Dictionary in the format of get_podcast()


YTMusic.get_library_upload_songs(limit: int | None = 25, order: str | None = None) list[dict]

Returns a list of uploaded songs

  • limit – How many songs to return. None retrieves them all. Default: 25

  • order – Order of songs to return. Allowed values: ‘a_to_z’, ‘z_to_a’, ‘recently_added’. Default: Default order.


List of uploaded songs.

Each item is in the following format:

  "entityId": "t_po_CICr2crg7OWpchDpjPjrBA",
  "videoId": "Uise6RPKoek",
  "artists": [{
    'name': 'Coldplay',
    'id': 'FEmusic_library_privately_owned_artist_detaila_po_CICr2crg7OWpchIIY29sZHBsYXk',
  "title": "A Sky Full Of Stars",
  "album": "Ghost Stories",
  "likeStatus": "LIKE",
  "thumbnails": [...]
YTMusic.get_library_upload_artists(limit: int | None = 25, order: str | None = None) list[dict]

Gets the artists of uploaded songs in the user’s library.

  • limit – Number of artists to return. None retrieves them all. Default: 25

  • order – Order of artists to return. Allowed values: ‘a_to_z’, ‘z_to_a’, ‘recently_added’. Default: Default order.


List of artists as returned by get_library_artists()

YTMusic.get_library_upload_albums(limit: int | None = 25, order: str | None = None) list[dict]

Gets the albums of uploaded songs in the user’s library.

  • limit – Number of albums to return. None retrives them all. Default: 25

  • order – Order of albums to return. Allowed values: ‘a_to_z’, ‘z_to_a’, ‘recently_added’. Default: Default order.


List of albums as returned by get_library_albums()

YTMusic.get_library_upload_artist(browseId: str, limit: int = 25) list[dict]

Returns a list of uploaded tracks for the artist.

  • browseId – Browse id of the upload artist, i.e. from get_library_upload_songs()

  • limit – Number of songs to return (increments of 25).


List of uploaded songs.

Example List:

    "entityId": "t_po_CICr2crg7OWpchDKwoakAQ",
    "videoId": "Dtffhy8WJgw",
    "title": "Hold Me (Original Mix)",
    "artists": [
        "name": "Jakko",
        "id": "FEmusic_library_privately_owned_artist_detaila_po_CICr2crg7OWpchIFamFra28"
    "album": null,
    "likeStatus": "LIKE",
    "thumbnails": [...]
YTMusic.get_library_upload_album(browseId: str) dict

Get information and tracks of an album associated with uploaded tracks


browseId – Browse id of the upload album, i.e. from i.e. from get_library_upload_songs()


Dictionary with title, description, artist and tracks.

Example album:

  "title": "18 Months",
  "type": "Album",
  "thumbnails": [...],
  "trackCount": 7,
  "duration": "24 minutes",
  "audioPlaylistId": "MLPRb_po_55chars",
  "tracks": [
      "entityId": "t_po_22chars",
      "videoId": "FVo-UZoPygI",
      "title": "Feel So Close",
      "duration": "4:15",
      "duration_seconds": 255,
      "artists": None,
      "album": {
        "name": "18 Months",
        "id": "FEmusic_library_privately_owned_release_detailb_po_55chars"
      "likeStatus": "INDIFFERENT",
      "thumbnails": None
YTMusic.upload_song(filepath: str) ResponseStatus | Response

Uploads a song to YouTube Music


filepath – Path to the music file (mp3, m4a, wma, flac or ogg)


Status String or full response

YTMusic.delete_upload_entity(entityId: str) str | dict

Deletes a previously uploaded song or album


entityId – The entity id of the uploaded song or album, e.g. retrieved from get_library_upload_songs()


Status String or error